Monday, October 29, 2012

Bestselling dystopia PREDICTED US w/o FEMA a la REAL Romney: "Victims of Sandy, to hell with the 47%"

Of course he now denies it, but Mitt Romney called federal disaster aid "immoral." He said he would do away with FEMA, "return" its responsibilities to "the states." Ideally, he said it should be privatized. That's right, for-profit businesses would provide disaster relief--but only to those who could pay for it.

Well, there's an uncanny account of the "American without FEMA" Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, who idolizes Ayn Rand, want to create. In the dystopia Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! (See below) by Stephen L. Goldstein. Florida is totally devastated by a monster storm. But there's NO help from the government/FEMA. USA has become Corporate States of America, government is dismantled, services are abolished or privatized--and average Americans are left completely helpless.

During a press conference, the governor of Florida and president of the Corporate States of America emphasize that government has NO role to play in assisting victims of natural disasters. Here's the give-and-take between a reporter and the governor:

Malcolm Scott of "Governor Cott, four days after the most devastating hurricane in U.S. history has destroyed at least two-thirds of Florida and left an estimated twelve million people homeless, destitute, and cut off from the rest of the country, no help has been forthcoming from the state. Victims are desperate. There are reports of riots and looting in affected areas. What is your plan of action to help them?"

Governor Cott: "Mr. Scott, your question suggests that help in some form should be coming from the state, that whenever and wherever there's a problem, government is going to come to the rescue. So, I'm delighted to be able to set the record straight: Government has no role to play. Anyone who think it does is guilty of a pre-Galtian, socialist, inhibiting, looter mind-set. The overwhelming majority of the country has evolved way beyond it. You and others who think like you are a tiny minority of reactionaries. Storm preparation is a personal matter for families and individuals, which they can address by being responsible and buying appropriate good and services from for-profit businesses. The same applies to the aftermath of any disaster. It's the law of the marketplace. The state has no role in it."

"Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!" is available in bookstores nationwide, through, (paperback and Kindle), and other online booksellers. Order it NOW from Amazon:

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