Friday, October 26, 2012

"7 Deadly Sins" of Mitt Romney

by Stephen L. Goldstein,, author of Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! (See below)

            Floridians are canaries in the coal mine. And Rick Scott and Mitt Romney are birds of a feather. With whatever breath we have left, we should warn the rest of the nation about just how lethal a Romney presidency would be. By a razor-thin margin, former CEO Rick Scott became governor on a Mitt-like platform: “I can produce miracles; I know how to create jobs.” No sooner was he sworn in, however, than voters woke up to his draconian devices, had buyers’ remorse—but were stuck. Floridians have to suffer for two more years under Scott, but the country never has to endure Romney if enough people wake up. Here are Scott’s “7 Deadly Sins” that you can keep Romney from committing:
            Sin 1: Selling economic snake oil. CEO Scott claimed he had the magic formula for stimulating the economy. It turned out to be GOP failed policies: reducing and eliminating taxes, downsizing government payroll, eliminating programs and services. They’re Romney’s too. Scott fooled us once; shame on him. Let Romney fool us a second time, shame on us!
            Sin 2: Pretending to know how to create jobs. Florida voters fell for Scott’s “jobs, jobs, jobs” mantra and his pledge to create 700,000 jobs. Twenty-two months into his term, he’s failed. Florida’s unemployment rate has declined—thanks to Obama’s economic policies—but it’s almost a full point above the national average. Romney boasts he’ll create 12 million new jobs; but when he was Massachusetts governor, the state was 47th in job creation. Forewarned is forearmed: Don’t believe a word Mitt says.  
            Sin 3: Putting corporate profits before people. Scott has declared war on Romney’s slothful 47% for almost two years. He’s Santa Claus to businesses, Scrooge to average Floridians. He never met a company to which he didn’t want to give taxpayer dollars or a public service he didn’t want to cut. Romney will do the same.
            Sin 4: Privatizing government. Scott wants to turn tax-supported services and agencies (schools, prisons, etc.) over to private businesses “to save money.” Romney would do the same to Medicare and Social Security. The former CEOs think alike: Privatization guarantees that favored companies will make gazillions.
            Sin 5: “Right-winging” the courts. Rick Scott has peppered the lower courts with conservative judges. Now, he wants to replace three Florida Supreme Court justices with right-wing fanatics. Like Scott, if Romney is elected, he’ll stack the U.S. Supreme Court with ultra-conservative ideologues. We’ll get more decisions like Citizens United, and Roe v. Wade will be overturned.
            Sin 6: Putting false faith in markets. Scott has led the fight against Obamacare and refuses to implement any of its provisions, even after the Supreme Court decision upholding it. He’s offered no alternative but the “market,” and never will. Romney would do the same, no matter how much more consumers will have to pay.
            Sin 7: Destroying the separation between church and state. Bible-thumping, Scott has been a five-star general in the wars against same-sex marriage, abortion—and women. Expect a President Romney will give you more religion and less state, the Constitution be damned!
            The devil is in Scott’s and Romney’s details. Tell the rest of the country that they don’t want an America under Romney that looks like Florida under Scott—or [you’ll ITAL] be guilty of the greatest sin of all.
            Email Stephen Goldstein: Follow him on twitter @drslgoldstein
            "Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!" is available in bookstores nationwide, through,, and other online booksellers. Order it NOW from Amazon (paperback or Kindle):

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