Of course he now denies it, but Mitt Romney called federal disaster aid "immoral." He said he would do away with FEMA, "return" its responsibilities to "the states." Ideally, he said it should be privatized. That's right, for-profit businesses would provide disaster relief--but only to those who could pay for it.
Well, there's an uncanny account of the "American without FEMA" Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, who idolizes Ayn Rand, want to create. In the dystopia Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! (See below) by Stephen L. Goldstein. Florida is totally devastated by a monster storm. But there's NO help from the government/FEMA. USA has become Corporate States of America, government is dismantled, services are abolished or privatized--and average Americans are left completely helpless.
During a press conference, the governor of Florida and president of the Corporate States of America emphasize that government has NO role to play in assisting victims of natural disasters. Here's the give-and-take between a reporter and the governor:
Malcolm Scott of Floridanews.com: "Governor Cott, four days after the most devastating hurricane in U.S. history has destroyed at least two-thirds of Florida and left an estimated twelve million people homeless, destitute, and cut off from the rest of the country, no help has been forthcoming from the state. Victims are desperate. There are reports of riots and looting in affected areas. What is your plan of action to help them?"
Governor Cott: "Mr. Scott, your question suggests that help in some form should be coming from the state, that whenever and wherever there's a problem, government is going to come to the rescue. So, I'm delighted to be able to set the record straight: Government has no role to play. Anyone who think it does is guilty of a pre-Galtian, socialist, inhibiting, looter mind-set. The overwhelming majority of the country has evolved way beyond it. You and others who think like you are a tiny minority of reactionaries. Storm preparation is a personal matter for families and individuals, which they can address by being responsible and buying appropriate good and services from for-profit businesses. The same applies to the aftermath of any disaster. It's the law of the marketplace. The state has no role in it."
"Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!" is available in bookstores nationwide, through www.barnesandnoble.com, www.amazon.com (paperback and Kindle), and other online booksellers. Order it NOW from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Atlas-Drugged-Ayn-Rand-Damned/dp/1555717098/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1344306781&sr=8-1&keywords=atlas+drugged+ayn+rand+be+damned
Monday, October 29, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
83 outright lies Mitt Romney's told you
Hard to believe ANYONE would vote for this lying SOB.
32: Here are 32 outright lies PolitiFact verifies from the mouth of Mitt Romney:
Here are the 5 biggest lies Romney told during the first debate, as verified by Rolling Stone:
12 Mitt Romney lies analyzed by Politicusa:
7 biggest debate lies of Romney--from The Nation:
27 myths Romney told in 38 minutes--from ThinkProgress:
32: Here are 32 outright lies PolitiFact verifies from the mouth of Mitt Romney:
Here are the 5 biggest lies Romney told during the first debate, as verified by Rolling Stone:
12 Mitt Romney lies analyzed by Politicusa:
7 biggest debate lies of Romney--from The Nation:
27 myths Romney told in 38 minutes--from ThinkProgress:
Saturday, October 27, 2012
CEOs (Romney!) make GREAT fascists/BAD presidents
by Stephen L. Goldstein, columnist/author of Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!, dystopia that warns about threat/horror of corporate takeover of America (Look it upon on Amazon.com)
The United States is in the middle of a devastating epidemic of “Obsessive CEO Syndrome” (OCS), a debilitating condition in which victims’ are deluded into thinking that the chosen people at the top of organization charts have the best minds, all the answers to all of our problems, and, should they choose to abandon the rarefied air of their boardrooms, make the best public servants/elected officials.
In other words, OCS is borderline insanity. So, in order to return the nation to mental health as early as possible, all of us need to be able to recognize the bizarre logic and assumptions of people who may suffer from OCS and know the best protocols to save them—and us, from them. Here are examples of some of their most twisted thinking:
1. Government can do no good: Most victims of OCS fell under the noxious spell of actor-turn-presidential-impersonator Ronald Reagan—or others who did. For eight years, the best gig of his career—no matinees!—he repeated the mantra that his corporate cronies gave him. But the last time I checked, NASA, the U.S. military, the National Institutes of Health, and the National Hurricane Center were government agencies, among others. Would anyone say they are “no good”?
2. Business can do no evil: Eve is the patron saint of business. It’s not just a few bad apples; season after season, business reaps harvests of illegalities that are the stuff of daily newspaper headlines: Medicare and Medicaid fraud; securities, investment, and banking crimes; consumer rip-offs; ponzi schemes. Remember Enron?
3. The Founding Fathers were capitalists who framed the Constitution to promote corporate interests: Contrary to the Sarah-Palin-made-up-classic-comic-book version of America history, our FF’s were largely former British royalist-loyalists, land-and-slave-holding aristocrats who never envisioned this country serving business interests on a scale they could never have imagined.
4. The government should be run like a business by businesspeople and for the benefit of businesses: Calvin Coolidge observed, “the chief business of the American people is business.” But that doesn’t mean that the government should be taken over by business interests. The proper role of government is to provide a supportive environment in which business can thrive—but not at the expense of the public interest. No matter what they think, the Koch brothers don’t own America .
5. The private sector creates job, but the public section doesn’t: Hogwash! Most major businesses “create” jobs through government contracts (taxpayer money). Historically, the public sector creates jobs—police, fire, and fire rescue personnel; teachers; members of the armed forces. Believing the unproven claim that for-profit businesses can provide better services more cheaply than government, proponents of privatization want to give them guaranteed revenue streams. More hogwash!
6. Markets should be self-policed and free of regulation: 1929 & 2008: Nothing need be said!
7. CEO’s make the best public servants/elected officials: Former CEO-governor Rick Scott has not created the jobs he promised and has violated his oath of office by routinely putting business interests above those of “the people.” When CEO-governor Mitt Romney left office, Massachusetts was 47th in job-growth, burdened with a $1 billion deficit, and had seen an increase in state and local taxes.
The cure for OCS is facing reality: Businesspeople know nothing about running government. CEO’s should stick to business, succeed or fail, and stop messing with “the people’s” bottom line.#
BREAKING News: Hurricane Sandy: Tea party/GOP want GVT Handout
by Stephen L. Goldstein, columnists/author of Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!
Hurricane Sandy threatens much of the East Coast. So, I'm waiting for all the government-is-the-problem-not-the-solution hypocrites to start SCREAMING for help from FEMA. The Virginia governor has already declared a state of emergency, no doubt so he can get federal dollars. It's EVER the SAME.
In Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!, I describe what could happen if corporate interests eventually take over the whole country COMPLETELY. There's a devastating account of a hurricane, Florida is ravaged, but the governor and U.S. president say no help is coming for average people (i.e. "Go to hell)--unless you can pay for it. Yesterday, I read in The New York Times that, as a result of mismanagement and cutbacks, we don't/won't have the weather satellites to warn/track storms as we've had in the past. It's the dystopia of Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! ALREADY! Too often, people don't see how bad things can get--until it's too late. Atlas Drugged will show them--or they'll regret not opening their eyes.
Here's the link to Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! on Amazon.com. It's what's happening to us now--and how much worse things can get: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_13?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=atlas+drugged+ayn+rand+be+damned&sprefix=atlas+drugged%2Caps%2C0.#
Hurricane Sandy threatens much of the East Coast. So, I'm waiting for all the government-is-the-problem-not-the-solution hypocrites to start SCREAMING for help from FEMA. The Virginia governor has already declared a state of emergency, no doubt so he can get federal dollars. It's EVER the SAME.
In Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!, I describe what could happen if corporate interests eventually take over the whole country COMPLETELY. There's a devastating account of a hurricane, Florida is ravaged, but the governor and U.S. president say no help is coming for average people (i.e. "Go to hell)--unless you can pay for it. Yesterday, I read in The New York Times that, as a result of mismanagement and cutbacks, we don't/won't have the weather satellites to warn/track storms as we've had in the past. It's the dystopia of Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! ALREADY! Too often, people don't see how bad things can get--until it's too late. Atlas Drugged will show them--or they'll regret not opening their eyes.
Here's the link to Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! on Amazon.com. It's what's happening to us now--and how much worse things can get: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_13?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=atlas+drugged+ayn+rand+be+damned&sprefix=atlas+drugged%2Caps%2C0.#
President Paul Ryan: Scare YOU Sh*tless?
by Stephen L. Goldstein, columnist/author of Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!
Here's something to destabilize you--and make you want to tell EVERYONE to vote for President Obama! Romney/Ryan are elected, which is horrific enough. But then, at some point, for some reason, Romney can't serve--and extremist Paul Ryan becomes president. Imagine HIS Supreme Court nominees, HIS assault on women's rights, HIS voucherizing of Medicare and privatizing of Social Security, the list goes on. He'll foist Ayn Randian economics/greed-is-good on all of America.
If you don't believe me, read my scathing indictment of Ryan/Rand, Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! It's a fast-paced, well-written novel that is "eerily prescient" (a reader's comment) about where we are today and where people like Romney/Ryan might take us. I'm not just plugging my book; I'm trying to get people to see beyond their noses--and to smell the stench that's out there. There's lots about Atlas Drugged at www.aynrandbedamned.blogspot.com --and still time to get its message to people BEFORE the election.
Here's the link to Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! on Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_13?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=atlas+drugged+ayn+rand+be+damned&sprefix=atlas+drugged%2Caps%2C0 It's in paperback and on Kindle. Before the election, please read it and try to get as many others to do so as you can. It may sway voters to keep the bad buys from taking over the country.#
Here's something to destabilize you--and make you want to tell EVERYONE to vote for President Obama! Romney/Ryan are elected, which is horrific enough. But then, at some point, for some reason, Romney can't serve--and extremist Paul Ryan becomes president. Imagine HIS Supreme Court nominees, HIS assault on women's rights, HIS voucherizing of Medicare and privatizing of Social Security, the list goes on. He'll foist Ayn Randian economics/greed-is-good on all of America.
If you don't believe me, read my scathing indictment of Ryan/Rand, Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! It's a fast-paced, well-written novel that is "eerily prescient" (a reader's comment) about where we are today and where people like Romney/Ryan might take us. I'm not just plugging my book; I'm trying to get people to see beyond their noses--and to smell the stench that's out there. There's lots about Atlas Drugged at www.aynrandbedamned.blogspot.com --and still time to get its message to people BEFORE the election.
Here's the link to Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! on Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_13?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=atlas+drugged+ayn+rand+be+damned&sprefix=atlas+drugged%2Caps%2C0 It's in paperback and on Kindle. Before the election, please read it and try to get as many others to do so as you can. It may sway voters to keep the bad buys from taking over the country.#
Friday, October 26, 2012
"7 Deadly Sins" of Mitt Romney
by Stephen L. Goldstein,, author of Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! (See below)
Floridians are canaries in the coal mine. And Rick Scott and Mitt Romney are birds of a feather. With whatever breath we have left, we should warn the rest of the nation about just how lethal a Romney presidency would be. By a razor-thin margin, former CEO Rick Scott became governor on a Mitt-like platform: “I can produce miracles; I know how to create jobs.” No sooner was he sworn in, however, than voters woke up to his draconian devices, had buyers’ remorse—but were stuck. Floridians have to suffer for two more years under Scott, but the country never has to endure Romney if enough people wake up. Here are Scott’s “7 Deadly Sins” that you can keep Romney from committing:
Floridians are canaries in the coal mine. And Rick Scott and Mitt Romney are birds of a feather. With whatever breath we have left, we should warn the rest of the nation about just how lethal a Romney presidency would be. By a razor-thin margin, former CEO Rick Scott became governor on a Mitt-like platform: “I can produce miracles; I know how to create jobs.” No sooner was he sworn in, however, than voters woke up to his draconian devices, had buyers’ remorse—but were stuck. Floridians have to suffer for two more years under Scott, but the country never has to endure Romney if enough people wake up. Here are Scott’s “7 Deadly Sins” that you can keep Romney from committing:
Sin 1: Selling economic snake oil. CEO Scott claimed he had the magic formula for stimulating the economy. It turned out to be GOP failed policies: reducing and eliminating taxes, downsizing government payroll, eliminating programs and services. They’re Romney’s too. Scott fooled us once; shame on him. Let Romney fool us a second time, shame on us!
Sin 2: Pretending to know how to create jobs. Florida voters fell for Scott’s “jobs, jobs, jobs” mantra and his pledge to create 700,000 jobs. Twenty-two months into his term, he’s failed. Florida ’s unemployment rate has declined—thanks to Obama’s economic policies—but it’s almost a full point above the national average. Romney boasts he’ll create 12 million new jobs; but when he was Massachusetts governor, the state was 47th in job creation. Forewarned is forearmed: Don’t believe a word Mitt says.
Sin 3: Putting corporate profits before people. Scott has declared war on Romney’s slothful 47% for almost two years. He’s Santa Claus to businesses, Scrooge to average Floridians. He never met a company to which he didn’t want to give taxpayer dollars or a public service he didn’t want to cut. Romney will do the same.
Sin 4: Privatizing government. Scott wants to turn tax-supported services and agencies (schools, prisons, etc.) over to private businesses “to save money.” Romney would do the same to Medicare and Social Security. The former CEOs think alike: Privatization guarantees that favored companies will make gazillions.
Sin 5: “Right-winging” the courts. Rick Scott has peppered the lower courts with conservative judges. Now, he wants to replace three Florida Supreme Court justices with right-wing fanatics. Like Scott, if Romney is elected, he’ll stack the U.S. Supreme Court with ultra-conservative ideologues. We’ll get more decisions like Citizens United, and Roe v. Wade will be overturned.
Sin 6: Putting false faith in markets. Scott has led the fight against Obamacare and refuses to implement any of its provisions, even after the Supreme Court decision upholding it. He’s offered no alternative but the “market,” and never will. Romney would do the same, no matter how much more consumers will have to pay.
Sin 7: Destroying the separation between church and state. Bible-thumping, Scott has been a five-star general in the wars against same-sex marriage, abortion—and women. Expect a President Romney will give you more religion and less state, the Constitution be damned!
The devil is in Scott’s and Romney’s details. Tell the rest of the country that they don’t want an America under Romney that looks like Florida under Scott—or [you’ll ITAL] be guilty of the greatest sin of all.
Email Stephen Goldstein: trendsman@aol.com. Follow him on twitter @drslgoldstein
"Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!" is available in bookstores nationwide, through www.barnesandnoble.com, www.amazon.com, and other online booksellers. Order it NOW from Amazon (paperback or Kindle): http://www.amazon.com/Atlas-Drugged-Ayn-Rand-Damned/dp/1555717098/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1344306781&sr=8-1&keywords=atlas+drugged+ayn+rand+be+damned
"Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!" is available in bookstores nationwide, through www.barnesandnoble.com, www.amazon.com, and other online booksellers. Order it NOW from Amazon (paperback or Kindle): http://www.amazon.com/Atlas-Drugged-Ayn-Rand-Damned/dp/1555717098/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1344306781&sr=8-1&keywords=atlas+drugged+ayn+rand+be+damned
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