Thursday, November 1, 2012

No to atheistic Atlas Shrugged/Yes to Judeo-Christian Atlas Drugged

by Stephen L. Goldstein, author of Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!

Ayn Rand was a twisted sister--and Mitt Romney's Paul Ryan is her nephew. She left Bolshevik Russia, pissed that her family's property has been confiscated. Can't blame her. But instead of seeking psychiatric help, she went on a literary and philosophical tirade, most famously in Atlas Shrugged--a tiresome, 1100 page heap of some of the worst-written in the English language. She glorified people she felt were the REAL drivers of the economy. She vilified others as moochers. She railed against government. She became the prophet of "greed is good."

Had Rand lived she would have been astonished at how many people fell for her pseudo-thinking. Published in 1957, the virulently anti-Communist/fiercely pro-Capitalist message of Atlas Shrugged pandered to the chauvinism of its day--and well into our own. But had she lived any longer, she might have had to backtrack a bit on her hatred of government intrusion/squelching of individual's lives and initiative: The poor dear--who am I to call her a raging hypocrite?--depended on Medicare and Social Security in the last years of her life.

Like other impressionable, narcissistic, self-serving adolescents, Romney's VP Paul Ryan fell for Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged--and NEVER outgrew its twisted philosophy. The case AGAINST its mean-spirited message and FOR Judeo-Christian morality is made in Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!

"Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!" is available in bookstores nationwide, through, (paperback and Kindle), and otheronline booksellers. Order it NOW fromAmazon:

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