Monday, November 12, 2012

The anti-Reagan: Mitt Romney

By Stephen L. Goldstein, author Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!

            Turns out, Mitt Romney is the anti-Reagan. With his “honesty”—Suspend your disbelief!—he may unwittingly have propelled the Gipper onto the ash heap of history, where he belongs. CEO Romney, who admitted relishing the chance to fire people, went a sweeping step further when he proposed eliminating FEMA, turning its responsibilities over to the states, and ideally privatizing all relief efforts. He was positively Reaganesque in his insistence that government (especially the big, by definition bad, federal government) is not the solution but the problem. Romney, who knew his audience at one of the presidential primary debates would lap it up, was in his glory.
            That was then; the weather was good. This is now—after Hurricane Sandy devastated the Northeast and sandbagged Romney. To federal, state, and local officials struggling to coordinate massive, complex relief, search, and rescue efforts, Romney’s vision of businesses charging dazed victims for goods and services on-the-spot is sinister and bizarre, not to mention impractical: Would everyone who uses a road in a neighborhood have to pay before it could be cleared? And how would anyone know who they were? Not to be macabre, but business is business in Mittland. Would there be a discount for removing two dead bodies? Would they take a check or only cash or credit card? Anyone with even a modicum of empathy recoils from such illogic and obscenity.
            In typical fashion, Romney walked back his words after the press pounded him. As president, he promised FEMA would receive the funds it needs. But which Romney should Americans pay attention to? As it turns out, both! And we should thank both of him, too. With Romney’s doubletalk about FEMA, he has done the greatest service to the nation of his entire political career. Make that his life! Since Ronald Reagan declared government persona non grata, the country has been engaged in a debate over the proper role(s) and limitation(s) of the public sector. And the anti-government faction has been winning hands-down. Grover Norquist has arm-twisted countless members of Congress, as well as members of state legislatures, to sign no-tax pledges to starve “the beast” of government. Even Bill Clinton once declared the era of big government over.
            Thanks to Romney, no one is gonna listen to such garbage talk any longer. Hurricane Sandy may have been a perfect storm. But Mitt’s words may have been more consequential, forever turning the tide of public opinion. His hot air may have warmed the otherwise cold hearts of Americans by revealing the absurdity of dismantling and privatizing the federal government. The weathercock is finally about to swing in the direction of appreciating the role of government, if it hasn’t already.
            When we fully come to our senses as a nation, we’re sure to reaffirm that we don’t live in an either-or world. The reality is: It isn’t either that government does everything or that the private sector does; it’s both. In some areas they overlap; in others, they are complementary; in still others, there should be a firewall between them. We need to restore our lost balance, no longer tolerating political hacks who want to gut government and redistribute its proper roles so business can bag bucks when Americans are hurting. If not, keep trying to “win one for the Gipper” and see how Mother Nature gets even next time.#

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Scary: Paul Ryan's Toxic "Day 1" ALREADY BEGUN

by Stephen L. Goldstein
Op-Ed columnist, author of Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned or "America according to Paul Ryan"
Follow on Twitter @drslgoldstein

       No "Day 1" for Mitt Romney! No fear that he'll be able to undo all of Obama's "good." He can superintend the building of his car elevator--or fire the workers, just for the fun of it. Or maybe he can watch one of Ann's horses dance so he can deduct the dollar equivalent of his doing so as a business expense. Whatever! We have nothing to fear from a politically defanged Romney. He'll probably lick his wounds and take out what's left of his aggression by taking over a company and moving it to China.
       Not so for Paul Ryan. HIS "Day 1" has ALREADY begun. To be sure, he has to deflect whatever blame he'll get for the Romney/Ryan defeat: He only branded 30% of Americans moochers and deadbeats, compared with Romney's 47%. But he was as mean-spirited as Mitt in suggesting that the federal goverment should have little, of any, role in disaster relief. Ryan's "days" promise to be toxic for average Americans. His ideal America is New Orleans after Katrina--Hurricane Sandy without Sandy: a free market paradise for profiteers to scalp victims.
       Ryan is the consummate example of an adolescent whiz kid who was drugged on Ayn Rand’s Kool-Aid but never weaned from it, fancies himself John Galt—and grew up to be a second-tier technocrat on the taxpayer payroll, who is now raised to national prominence by a third-rate candidate for the presidency. There’s abundant evidence to poke holes in his-delusional and frightening dystopia for the nation. “The Ryan Plan” (aka the GOP federal budget) is a roadmap for disaster, a war on the poor and the middle class. The Koch brothers couldn’t have written it better—probably tweaked the draft. The case against Ryan is laid out by ThinkProgress ( 
       Here are highlights from it
            1. Ryan wants to raise taxes on the middle class, cut them for millionaires.
            2. He would extend the Bush tax cuts, but not President Obama’s for those with the lowest incomes.
            3. Ryan would virtually eliminate programs that benefit the lower- and middle-classes.
            4. He would end Medicare and replace it with a voucher system, raise eligibility to 67, cost enrollees more than $5,900 annually by 2050.
            5. Ryan thinks Social Security is a “Ponzi scheme” and wants to privatize it at the mercy of stocks and bonds, which he apparently believes are always safe bets.
            6. The Economic Policy Institute estimates Ryan’s budget would result in 4.1 million lost jobs in two years.
            7. He wants to eliminate Pell Grants for more than 1 million students.
            8. Ryan supports $40 billion in subsidies for big oil.
            9. He co-sponsored a “personhood” amendment, which would outlaw abortion, some forms of contraception and in vitro fertilization.
            No one in his right mind would want to live in the America of Paul Ryan, except Mitt Romney. Many of Ryan’s supporters deny biological, survival-of-the-fittest Darwinism, but embrace dog-eat-dog social Darwinism, where unbridled greed is the greatest virtue and morality is determined by a dollar sign. But sadly, Romney isn’t trying to appeal to all Americans. Ryan, Mitt hopes, will make his candidacy acceptable to the tea party. He may fool them, but most Americans know “the fruit” of both those lemons “is impossible to eat.”

            "Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!" is available in bookstores nationwide, through,, and other online booksellers. Order it NOW from Amazon (paperback or Kindle):

Thursday, November 1, 2012

No to atheistic Atlas Shrugged/Yes to Judeo-Christian Atlas Drugged

by Stephen L. Goldstein, author of Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!

Ayn Rand was a twisted sister--and Mitt Romney's Paul Ryan is her nephew. She left Bolshevik Russia, pissed that her family's property has been confiscated. Can't blame her. But instead of seeking psychiatric help, she went on a literary and philosophical tirade, most famously in Atlas Shrugged--a tiresome, 1100 page heap of some of the worst-written in the English language. She glorified people she felt were the REAL drivers of the economy. She vilified others as moochers. She railed against government. She became the prophet of "greed is good."

Had Rand lived she would have been astonished at how many people fell for her pseudo-thinking. Published in 1957, the virulently anti-Communist/fiercely pro-Capitalist message of Atlas Shrugged pandered to the chauvinism of its day--and well into our own. But had she lived any longer, she might have had to backtrack a bit on her hatred of government intrusion/squelching of individual's lives and initiative: The poor dear--who am I to call her a raging hypocrite?--depended on Medicare and Social Security in the last years of her life.

Like other impressionable, narcissistic, self-serving adolescents, Romney's VP Paul Ryan fell for Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged--and NEVER outgrew its twisted philosophy. The case AGAINST its mean-spirited message and FOR Judeo-Christian morality is made in Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!

"Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!" is available in bookstores nationwide, through, (paperback and Kindle), and otheronline booksellers. Order it NOW fromAmazon: